ELP Green Technology's Commitment to a Circular Economy in Support of Europe's Goals

At ELP | GREEN TECHNOLOGY, we are proud to fully endorse and support the European Union's initiatives towards achieving a circular economy. The recent developments in EU policies underline the significance of dissociating economic growth from resource consumption, and our company is aligned with these objectives. Let's explore the key benefits that our company can contribute, in accordance with the latest report on Circular Economy Policies.

Circular Economy Policies: A Catalyst for Change

Plano de Ação para a Economia Circular

The EU's Circular Economy Action Plan, outlined with over 30 action points, focuses on sustainable product development, consumer empowerment, sector-specific attention, and waste reduction. ELP Green Technology is committed to playing a pivotal role in this transformative journey.

Repairing for Sustainability

The recent adoption of the Council's position on the proposal for common rules to promote the repair of goods is a milestone in promoting a circular economy. This initiative aims to eliminate obstacles hindering consumers from choosing repair over disposal, fostering both environmental sustainability and circular business models.

By encouraging producers and consumers to extend the lifespan of products, these rules align with ELP's commitment to reducing pollution and waste.

Sustainable Product Design

Our dedication to sustainable practices is evident in our support for the EU's initiatives like the Eco-design Directive. This directive, dating back to 2009, established efficiency requirements for various product groups. In 2022, the Commission proposed legislation to promote more sustainable and circular products, including establishing environmental sustainability requirements and creating a digital product passport.

Empowering Consumers

ELP Green Technology supports the EU's efforts to empower consumers with reliable information. The agreement reached on the directive for consumer empowerment in September 2023 ensures that consumers have access to accurate information for making environmentally conscious choices. This includes details on a product's ecological sustainability, reparability, and a harmonized label providing information on the commercial warranty of durability offered by producers.

Focus on Key Sectors

The Circular Economy Action Plan rightly identifies sectors with high resource usage and circular potential. ELP Green Technology actively engages in these sectors, such as electronics and ICT. The recent approval of the EU directive on a common charger is a step towards more energy-efficient, durable, and repairable electronic devices.

Advancing Circular Principles Across Industries

Batteries and Waste Management

Our commitment extends to adhering to the EU regulations on batteries and waste. The recent adoption of the regulation on batteries ensures a circular economy for this sector, promoting sustainability and fair competition.

Packaging and Plastics

ELP Green Technology acknowledges the importance of reusability and recyclability in packaging. We are closely monitoring the proposed revisions to the Packaging and Packaging Waste Directive, aiming for economically viable reusable or recyclable packaging by 2030.

Textiles and Construction

The EU's strategies for sustainable textiles and construction align with ELP's goals. The proposed regulations on textiles hold producers accountable for the entire lifecycle of their products, ensuring durability, repairability, and recyclability.

Reducing Waste and Emissions

Our commitment aligns seamlessly with EU goals to reduce waste and emissions. From supporting waste reduction targets to participating in initiatives like the directive on urban wastewater treatment, we are actively involved in creating a more sustainable future.

The Road Ahead

As ELP Green Technology embraces the principles of the circular economy, we eagerly await the finalization of EU regulations. We are committed to contributing to the success of these policies, fostering innovation, sustainability, and environmental preservation.

In partnership with the European Union, we are shaping a future where economic growth harmonizes with ecological responsibility. Stay tuned for more updates on our journey towards a greener, more sustainable world.

#ELPGreenTech #CircularEconomy #SustainableInnovation #GreenTransformation


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